When will the next Henry B Joy Tour be held?
This year's Tour was the first one held outside of the eastern United States. Probably because of its location, more than half of the 106 participants and 30+ cars were "new" to the tour. Many of the participants came from the states proximate to the site of the tour, in southern Indiana.
At this point, there are no plans for any upcoming tours. The next tour will be held only if a regional club decides on a place and time, and the region volunteers to underwrite and plan the tour.
Planning the tour took the better part of 2 years. We learned a lot planning the tour and by asking past planners about their experiences. We will make available to any who consider doing the next tour information and tips that we wish we had known prior to undertaking the 2018 tour.
We think there is a lot of potential for further tours in other parts of the country. People like to bring their Packards and to drive them for a week with other Packard owners. We feel that these experiences add interest and involvement in our Packards and in the Packard Automobile Club.
Mark Smucker, November, 2018